Bench Warrant Issued for Christine Massey's ARREST
Brief notes from her CLOSED "pre-trial hearing".
UPDATE 6/30: Please be a witness today Thu 6/30 at 2pm (Toronto/NYC), 6pm (London), 1800 UTC, or Friday 7/1 at 6am (Auckland)
At 4:07 PM today, Justice Stuart Konyer in the Ontario Court Of Justice, issued a Bench Warrant for Christine Massey, of Peterborough, after she abruptly left the Zoom virtual hearing in disgust, on charges arising from an incident which occurred 6 months ago.
On Jan 19th, 2022, Christine Massey was accused by Peterborough Medical Officer of Health Thomas Piggott of “striking him” as she stood outside his door, attempting to serve him papers:
Papers served:
Video of the incident:
Piggot’s statements were clearly false— filing a false police report is considered the crime of mischief— based on eyewitnesses who also recorded the events, and by Thomas Piggott’s own security camera footage, a very short excerpt was provided to Christine as part of her “Disclosure”.
The offence of Public Mischief is codified in Section 140 (1) of the Criminal Code which reads:
140 (1) Every one commits public mischief who, with intent to mislead, causes a peace officer to enter on or continue an investigation by
(a) making a false statement that accuses some other person of having committed an offence;
(b) doing anything intended to cause some other person to be suspected of having committed an offence that the other person has not committed, or to divert suspicion from himself;
(c) reporting that an offence has been committed when it has not been committed; …
Despite protestations from the people present the night of Jan 19th when informed of Piggott’s False Police Report, the Peterborough MOH was never charged with a crime.
But Christine Massey was.
Christine was first visited by police at her home at 11:59 PM Jan 19th, but she shooed them away. However, Christine was arrested the next day (for intimidation and harassment), put in handcuffs, and then released.
Several prior attempts to serve MOH Piggott at his place of employment, Peterborough Public Health, were thwarted by private security guards who would not let her and others into the building to complete personal service.
Christine Massey and others had created a common law claim of indictment of Crimes Against Humanity relating to COVID vaccines, lockdowns, and other ridiculous “countermeasures” to a Fake Virus, Fake Test, Fake Etiology (search for cause), Fake Proof of Causation (Koch’s Postulates), Fake Disease, Fake Pandemic!
Everything is fake!
(as Christine points out here:
Researchers like Dr. Stefan Lanka, Dr. Andrew Kaufman, Dr. Tom Cowan, Drs. Sam and Mark Bailey, and others, including journalists like Jon Rappoport, and Eric Francis Coppolino, have exposed in great detail the many inherent flaws in the COVID Con, e.g.,
the PCR “test”
(Ask: “But where did the primers come from?”)“The Virus”, can’t seem to find any proof SARS-CoV-2 exists!
While the MD’s on the team have done the primary research and teachings, Christine Massey adds her own very unique contributions.
Christine Massey is noteworthy 3 or 4 ways.
She is most known for her work collecting FOI requests from nearly 200 institutions in ~40 nations, no one has proof that SARS-CoV-2 exists. is also noteworthy for her LOCAL, Common Law Remedy for COVID Crimes.
Her Arrest on Bogus Criminal Charges (similar to a SLAPP suit, only those are civil matters. I’m not sure the name for these kinds of actions when they originate with the government itself… h/t: Canucklaw)
Her UTTER Cancellation by Bigtree / Kennedy / Fuellmich
These highly funded Gatekeepers of the “COVID resistence” are all Virus Pushers Against Clotshots, bur are also #CancellingChristine, and “throwing her under the bus” by UTTERLY IGNORING her work. (More on this soon)
Nearly Half of all Court Attendees were Observers for Christine
At least 12 attendees on today’s Zoom Pre-Trial Hearing out of 27 were some variation of “Observer”, all there to witness Christine farce trial. I think this highly unusual for this court. “EYES ARE WATCHING YOU”
Zoom call opens at 3:15 (adjourned from 2pm).
Justice Konyer announced the Pre Trial Hearing would be "in camera" (Closed to the Public).
One charge is dropped
30 min in closed session.
(We learned later that during the closed session, the judge and Crown Attorney Paul Murray agreed to drop the completely bogus intimidation charge against her, and co-defendant Tyler Berry, and also scheduled a trial date in December).
Back to Open court:
Justice Konyer: “Ms. Massey's Pre-trial is complete. “
Christine: Like hell it is!
(I don’t remember her exact words. She didn’t cuss, but it was like POW!)
Christine Reiterates the many problems w/disclosure, MANY procedural errors. 6th Appearance, etc. They let her rant on in OPEN COURT!!!! and before a dozen witnesses who appeared there on her behalf. It was fabulous. She was able to say quite a lot.
See Christine’s notices to the court here:
The judge acts stunned and lets her go on.
Then, Justice Konyer:
”Clerk: Please mute Ms. Massey. Her Pre-trial is complete.”
Christine HANGS UP in disgust.
Judge issues a BENCH WARRANT for Christine's Arrest!
Warrant is being held until June 30, when she must appear in person.
UPDATE: 8:46 PM:
Christine Massey UPDATE:
Several people who watched the proceeding have been discussing an interesting thing:
At SEVERAL TIMES near the end of the proceeding, the judge announced that “Christine Massey's Pretrial is COMPLETE”.
...which begs the question...
Why then is there a bench warrant
for her arrest? 🤔
More later
It's a good idea that Christine always has a cadre of "observers" at her court sessions. Clearly there is some monkey(pox?) business afoot with this judge. I guess Canandanada doesn't have the same notion of "Free Speech" that we have in our First Amendment. The Truedope Government seems desperate to silence Massey's voice at all costs.
This is unbelievable..