It's a good idea that Christine always has a cadre of "observers" at her court sessions. Clearly there is some monkey(pox?) business afoot with this judge. I guess Canandanada doesn't have the same notion of "Free Speech" that we have in our First Amendment. The Truedope Government seems desperate to silence Massey's voice at all costs.

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This is unbelievable..

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Sadly, the majority of the dumbed down dummies that believe that they are "enlightened," "special," "follow the resistance" support all those frauds, the "highly funded Gatekeepers of the “COVID resistence” " and substantially fund their fraud. They do not even understand that they have been specifically brainwashed to follow and support the frauds, and that only those specifically promoted by the gov, the gov media - incl. the bogus "alternative" media - can and do amass thousands and tens of thousands of "paid subscribers." The more people are defrauded and lied to, the happier they are.

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Jun 28, 2022
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no, they are not. not in the slightest.

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Jun 28, 2022
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Listen, we will never know about germ v terrain, nor who are good or bad guys.

Forget the squabbles, listen to Bigtree et al...but

what everyone is not seeing is the big picture...RIGHT OR WRONG, if Massey can force

them to provide any proof of a virus (and even the CDC has no proof, just a computerized

sequence) Then the house of cards falls down. It doesn't matter HOW we get

there, just IF we get there.

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"if Massey can force them to provide any proof of a virus" no one can FORCE them to do anything. Especially provide something that does not exist. They constantly falsify, steal, destroy documents, have filthy "judges" say that documents are not "needed" whereas it's a crime to destroy or withhold evidence. I write about endless fraud and racket on my blog. There is so much, this is just one tiny example of how they suppress and destroy evidence: https://1dissident.substack.com/p/the-police-report-that-the-dirty

"we will never know ... who are good or bad guys." - Why not? Those who do NOT lie, defraud the public, push fraudulent theories, profit and get enriched, get promoted by the media, amass thousands and tens of thousands of paid subscribers and supporters.

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Watch the debate between Kaufman/Lanka and Fuellmich/Wodarg. Nothing but ad hominem attacks and a blatant refusal to even entertain the evidence being presented because it goes too hard against the grain for them.

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