great work!

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Thanks for this Bill. I have become aware of this Poornima wagh saga and its most interesting. I like Eric, he always comes across very well. I also follow Jeff Green (virusesarenotcontagious). I follow out of interest to see what his side of the debate is, though do question just what his game is. Jeff has recently done a hit peice on the way that Eric questioned Poornima, accusing Eric of bullying and then casting aspersions on all "the gang" as he calls Kaufman/Cowen et al. I have not seen any evidence of this bullying and I've seen everything he uses as evidence to back his claim.

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Bill I’m going to have to disagree with you on this one. You need to dig a lot deeper. They searched her name as Poornima but it was mis-spelled. They were not thorough enough! I looked at Eric Francis Coppolino, a #MeToo exposed womanising miscreant who claims to be an astrologer! One shill and twenty muppet followers trying to discredit her? Really? You think they had no motive for that?

The internet is full of haters and Coppolino is well known for fancying himself.


Sorry, should have said: Her real name is Purnima Wagh.

It is NEVER wise to communicate with idiots. They will beat you with experience. Purnima Wagh ignored him because he was the root of a smear campaign. I have been on the receiving end of such campaigns in my activist past. They are relentless. Even if you prove them wrong they keep going. If you ignore them they disappear and focus elsewhere.

Eric Francis Coppolino is a charlatan who wants to be famous. He is now famous for being a nasty sly big mouthed air head.

I would let the idiots on that PlanetWaves FM site know but you have to pay to comment there! Shills..... always money grabbing!




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I'm not going to comment personally on Eric, as I don't know the guy, but i'm sure they covered this different name issue in the discussion and found that this was a different person. No one with the name Wagh has attended London school of whatever it was.

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Also, and I don't mean to pick on you here at all as I think we both very much want the same for the world, but "Poornima" is how she spelt her own name on her own slides in her own presentation.

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Regis asked Poornima Wagh a few days ago about Purnima, and she said this was NOT her, a different person, who never went to the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine either. YOU are the "charlatan." Eric in the meantime has spent 39 years doing investigative reporting on the chemical industry and the mass poisonings it has caused.

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Sep 5, 2022
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I can't answer any of those questions, Michael. Maybe Eric will see and chime in.

Q: just curious, are you suggesting that cities are being lost due to rising sea level? I know about the Maldives. Not many other places or cities. Maybe New Orleans?

Do you think Human Caused Global Warming is real, Michael?

Personally I DO thing HCGW is real, but i don't work on it as an issue, because IMHO, it's far too late to do anything about it.

Also, Peak Oil will kill us off much sooner, as for most of the world's people, there are 10 calories of petroleum in every 1 calorie of our food. These massive petroleum inputs into our food supply creates a great fragility and a potential for a Black Swan event.

And this means the mantra of the Climate Change crew, "keep it in the ground!" resolves itself, since Global Crude Oil Production PEAKED November 2018.

There's no oil left to keep in the ground!

I see no good from this point. No easy fix, no panacea, not smooth transition to renewables. That's all sci-fi. We're screwed.

Interested in your thoughts ☺️

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Sep 5, 2022
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Ok Michael, thanks for clarifying.

One thing about global warming that's largely misunderstood is that much of the atmospheric heat is stored in the oceans. And like i stated, the oceans are rising, mostly seen so far in low level island nations like Maldives, Marshall Islands, atols, etc. Also may want search for "true shape of Louisiana". This state has lost about 4% of it's land area due to rising sea levels, about 2,000 sq mi.

But i don't really want to get into a big discussion about HCGW here. It's real, but not an issue i care about when we have more pressing existential crises, like mass depopulation, and Peak Oil, which i believe are related.

I made a video about this theory 3/2020, which remarkably hasn't been deleted by the YouGooTubeBorg. https://youtu.be/jrJ89-O_H5E

I don't know why you brought up dinosaurs? I never mentioned them. I'm always careful not to say "fossil fuel" because that seems to trigger many people. It's just a word, but no worries. I'll say petroleum.

It's a common misunderstanding many people have, that petroleum comes from dinosaurs. No doubt due to the old logo for Sinclair Gasoline!

It's very clear from the chemistry that so-called "fossil fuels" really come from ancient plants.

Think about it. What is petroleum?

A: Hydrocarbons = Hs and Cs.

Now what are plant bodies made from?

A: carbohydrates = Hs and Cs.

Same thing.

I'm probably going to write a substack about Peak Oil, because I've been studying it for ~25 years.

Michael Ruppert, James Howard Kunstler, Richard Heinberg, Jay Hanson, Ken Deffeyes, Thom Hartmann (before he became a Democratic Retard), Ugo Bardi, Dmitry Orlov, Barry Silverthorn, J David Hughes, Gail Tverberg, and of course M King Hubbert are some favorites.

Before COVID i did environmental activism around the oil+gas for about 11-12 years. I know a shit ton about oil production, drilling and completion technologies, production data, geology. I'm kind of a research geek. When i study a topic, sometimes i become a bit obsessed. I've video recorded, interviewed, and hung out with many top experts in the field.

Bottom Line: 👉The oil supply is DEFINITELY finite (like most quantities we've ever experienced on earth), 👉we've DEFINITELY past the half way mark, Nov 2018 to be exact.👉 All global logistics, supply chains, factory farmed foods, plastics, and every aspect of the lives of most of 8B ppl is utterly dependent upon Cheap Oil, NOW GONE FOREVER.

THIS (not climate change) is the biggest existential threat humanity has EVER faced. The is no easy solution. The earth can support MAYBE 1.0B ppl w/o petroleum, which means we "only" need to shed 7 out of 8 ppl, or basically 90% of the earth's population.

There is really nothing that can be done. We're all screwed. Plenty of people were sounding the alarm. We had lots of notice. But we ignored it and bought Humvees and Jet Boats and went to the tractor pulls and threw a billion tons of single use plastics into landfills.

THIS (peak oil) is the real reason for lockdowns and ClotShots. And nearly nobody sees this, or understands it, I'd estimate 1:10,000 people or less. Maybe 1:1M.

It's pretty lonely out here. 😢

There MAY be some things we can do to mitigate impacts as much as possible, but the brains of most people are turned into such mush from MSM programming that we are not even close to having the right conversations to prepare ourselves for the collapse of industrial civilization.

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Sep 5, 2022
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You're never going to win this argument with me because I have studied this industry extensively. I know what I'm talking about and it's not easy to put it all into a little comment box like this.

You're talking about repeatable and reproducible experiments.

This is one flaw with, or rather, LIMITATION of science, that can only accurately study events that are repeatable.

What about events that only happen once?

How do you do experiments on a process that takes 250 million years?

When have you ever seen a tank, pond, cup, vessel, bowl, or pool with infinite volume?

I'm going to write you an email if I can find the correct one.

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I am interested in all the points you raise particularly regarding the exstisence of dinosaurs (though it actually makes me feel a little crazy for actually writing that), and weather oil is infact a fossil fuel at all. Not that I have done any research yet as I have not had the time, what with everything else going on. I agree with you that weather or not sea levels rise or fall or the weather gets warmer or colder, humans (Co2 specifiaclly), however dirty and destructive to the environment we undoubtably and shamefully are, actually play very little part, if any, in the changing of the climate. If you have any decent info links to the dinisaur/ oil is not fossil fuel question I would be very interested and appreciative. I have had a brief look but stuggled to find much that was of any particular quality.

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Sep 5, 2022
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