My article and video on this subject are forthcoming. Until then, here are some memes to share, and links to articles which, IMHO, have the best information on Ivermectin. — BH
Dr. Amandha Vollmer:
Steve Falconer / Spacebusters:
Ivermectin: Friend or Foe?
Um, may want to read that MSDS:

Tim Truth
All articles:
Durvet Ivermectin Pour-On is a pour-on insecticide
for treatment and control of parasites in cattle.
Ivermectin pour-on insecticide for horses
is effective against roundworms, lungworms, grubs,
horn flies, sucking and biting lice, and sarcoptic mange mites…

“Nurse Rose” (Debbie Lusignan, RIP)
“To understand Ivermectin, you have to undertstand the history of Colonialization in Africa.” — Debbie Lusignan (private communication to me)
Here is Debbie’s groundbreaking Deep Dive into Ivermectin, and the genocidal history of “Insecticide Cures” in Africa.
Debbie’s article at Unite4Truth:
Georgie & Donny’s Newsletter:
5/24/2023 UPDATE!
Also check
Joachim Bartoll 2.0 ( / Chris Edwards
Avermectin is same ingredient in many Bug Killers:
Convid is a psychological disease, fear. And Ivermectin treats the fear. So, if I cannot convince someone that the whole virus and pandemic are fake, I just don’t argue with them about their favored “early treatments.” It’s better for them to have the security blanket and keep their cortex (which fear would disable).
Hello Bill Huston.
I have a few thoughts about ivermectin I want to share.
My story in a nutshell:
2020, I was very afflicted for the huge crimes committed against everyone. And I was seeing even greater crimes looming in the horizon. Very depressed.
2021, total horror and desperation. I have never yelled so many times in my life. The first six months were the worst. Then, Kirsch and Malone and the Canadian Bridle appeared in the scene. I never liked Weinstein before, but I made an exception out of desperation to watch the pivotal show they made. Until then, I believed that there was an epidemic designed politically, I believed, without evidence, they used a worthless virus manipulated in a lab which was spread deliberately in a few places to create the appearance of a real disease. Almost everyone fell for it. Well informed people, did not. Nonetheless, well informed people were punished as much as the true covidian believers, because democracy. The purpose of all this business was to stage a controlled demolition of the debt based economy, by creating a giant strawman which will be accused of being the cause of all the damage suffered by everyone and not lose control, rather gaining even more control.
Then, after listening to that podcast, I became a believer in ivermectin. Why? because I was already a believer in vitamin C and Zinc and HCQ many other things (all compatible with the idea of restoring the terrain, although I didn't know that then) and it was not a problem for me to believe there was another thing that can cure a weak disease in most people, or a grave disease in people who are already ill and intoxicated before getting that weak virus and semi-synthetic virus I thought it was real. So, prima facie, ivermectin was one more good idea to end the carnage and save millions from the maw of the ecofascists.
Then I spent a few months watching many videos and reading many articles of people who looked good to me, who were extolling the virtues of ivermectin and decrying the evil censorship of useful information and the cancellation of doctors who were telling the truth.
Then, comes 29th October 2021. I was following the videos of Steve Kirsch. He had a "debate" with a Russo-Canadian fellow, Y. Deigin, who believes in a very deadly virus which causes a very grave disease and everyone is equally susceptible and only the holy vaccine will save us, but only if we all submit to the supreme authority of the God-state. Probably I'm caricaturing him and he is not as dumb to believe all that, he was just playing politics. Covid is all politics, really.
The video is almost 4 hours of fun. Sophistic attacks and defenses from both sides. Bear in mind, Deigin was alone against many people: among them Mathew Crawford (I love that guy) and Jack Lyons-Weiler and Jessica Rose and Marc Girardot and a few others who don't participate much.
Here Deigin and the terrain theory people converge. Deigin, like all vaccine cultists, believed ivermectin was useless to treat covid.
Naturally, I was against Deigin, due to my ideological stance, not to my understanding of covid or ivermectin or anything. This evil person wanted to poison even more innocent people, instead of promoting the idea that there was a valid treatment and therefore there was no emergency and that's the political white lie to stop the democide. Which, alas, didn't happen.
It is to me surprising that terrain people, of all people, will make what I consider a tactical mistake, of running against ivermectin. I know you want to cut all ties with the other side of the dissidence. After all the few months of attempting to build a coalition with olive branches like the famous "virus challenge" the other side has rejected all truce dialogue. I repeat: covid is all politics.
From a practical perspective, any parasite that contaminates the terrain may cause disease. As the worm eats tissue (healthy tissue or infirm tissue) it will excrete feces that remain in the body and are likely to cause further damage. Any method of removing that parasite will create, per the theory, an opportunity for the body to heal itself. Turpentine (pure gum spirits) and DMSO and many other "natural" products will help remove parasites.
This ivermectin product, and other petroleum derived medicines that mimic naturally occurring substances, seems to achieve the same purpose of cleansing the terrain. Why would those who propose terrain theory speak ill about people using ivermectin in its safe dosing range?
To me, this smells like a simple ideological temper tantrum.
Maybe natural deparasitizing products are less toxic than ivermectin. I'm not against that. Why scandalize people with exaggerations about the dangers of ivermectin?
I dislike the competition for being more right than the other guy. If it works, it works. I don't care if it is petroleum based or not.
Another story is that people are not informed about cheaper alternatives and, more importantly, safer alternatives to ivermectin, in the sense of causing fewer adverse effects. That is okay. But I prefer saying that without the sensationalism.
Covid is not a real disease, or a real syndrome, or anything. Many things are repackaged under one crazy label. This is a marketing trick, as Mike Stone has explained many times. And this trick causes damage to the unsuspecting public. But consider this scenario: a person is fraudulently told she has covid (again, for the umpteenth time, after one thousand shots of fraudulent pseudovaccines) because of a fraudulent test, and she has symptoms of parasitosis, and the reality is that her terrain is being damaged from the inside with worms, and ivermectin can help. She gets her ivermectin from one of the rebels and she gets better. "Hurray, I beat long covid thanks to science, suck that you stupid deniers", she could say doing the silliest victory lap that only a cultist can run. Well, Who am I to break the illusions of that obnoxious hypothetical lady who not only is the victim of the greatest fraud in history, she is also a victim of a fraudulent story about how ivermectin works, because it has not cured her of an imaginary disease, but of worms?
Is she wrong and dumb? Yes, in fact the last line in her record card of clotshots states clearly that she is wrong and dumb, and she is a very special democratic party voter and gets a star sticker for being such a good and obedient girl. But I don't care that much that a person gets healthier for the wrong reasons.
A totally different story is whether or not these hypothetical parasites, worms or whatever are not really causing disease, but, like bacteria, exist only to remove dead tissue caused by some intoxication, perhaps caused by the killshots. If ivermectin kills nature's little helpers to save dummy Karens from getting killed by the ecosocialists, then ivermectin is another weapon of war. But this still seems to far fetched to me.
And as much as I hate Karens and all the other types of fragilizer dogmatists that hate freedom and self-responsibility, I prefer them to be alive and healthy so that they can be taught to suck less at being human. Dead people cannot be taught to be better humans. That much is obvious.
And I hate mass murder and mass murderers. I also hate this impossible situation we are all in, by which even if you move to reduce the possibility of a person being murder, you are still creating an opening for another attack from another side. We are under a world wide siege!
I am happy that I spent most of 2022 learning about how wrong I was about germ theory. And I understand that there are people who know it is bogus, but it is politically useful, and therefore a losing, uphill battle. Romantically speaking, losing battles are the most attractive and beautiful. But I am not much into romanticism. I prefer the Baroque period. You know, the Golden Age of Pirates and all that.
Let me remind anyone that reads this super-long comment of mine, that many leaders in the no-virus side used to be normies: they believed all the lies of Rockefeller medicine, just like most people believe them today, or, at least they pretend they believe them, because they need a job, or they think they need a job like the one they have, and they whore themselves out intellectually and morally to perpetuate the fraud.
Back to Deigin. People like him love fighting more than they love solving problems, in my opinion. These people are not worth debating. They don't want truth, justice, freedom or anything. They are just boxing for boxing's sake. He is just a bored person who likes to troll the world with an important issue, like so many other useful idiots to the ecologist despots.
My question to you, Bill, is, are you guys who combat ivermectin from the terrain worldview just misbehaving out of boredom or something else, like the germ-theory side deniers of ivermectin do?
As much as I like to joke about everything, I think it is bad to antagonize people who are terrified and in a danger by telling them ivermectin will not work for their covid. These victims will never come out of their hypnosis unless they feel safe to consider other ideas about what is really happening to them. I'm mostly against ridiculing victims for the purpose of helping them, because that tactic only works in a very small number of personality types.
Those are my thoughts.