The Sad Tale of Poornima Wagh
Arguably, this was 5 months in the making. I wish this was unnecessary.
Note, this post is longer than will fit in a single email. If you are reading this in an email, PLEASE click on the title above and read the FULL ARTICLE directly on Substack. Thank You! — BH
Wow 😲🤷♂️ Just published: Eric Francis Coppolino's takedown of Poornima Wagh, performed with the skill, precision, and grace of a Master Samurai:
Arguably, this was 5 months in the making. There were a lot more people involved than Eric mentions in the credits. I'd say there were up to 15 (maybe more) skilled researchers on at least 3 continents, some whom have been investigating this woman, her background, CV, and claims, since March.
[9/7/22: EDIT/UPDATE: This was an ad hoc group. We are not paid, or funded. We are not an “enterprise” or organization, nor are we sponsored by any organization. Globally, there are very few people doing this work. We organically found each other, as we are all committed to truth and compassion, and solving this mess — BH ]
(I'm guessing there are good reasons why many names are absent from Eric’s list of credits. If caught and interrogated, I will maintain my ignorance of the others, like Mr. Phelps from Mission Impossible.)
There were some in our group who were urging restraint. I was one. There were others saying this should be done sooner rather than later, in order to minimize damage.
I could see both sides, thus I was (and am) strongly ambivalent.
(Can there be such a thing?)
Executive Summary:
In March 2022, Poornima Wagh suddenly appeared on the scene, with amazing credentials, and a compelling, almost fantastic story.
She claimed to have “two PhDs, from the London School of Tropical Medicine, one in virology and one in immunology”, repeating much of what #TeamNoVirus have been saying for over 2 years.
1,500 Patient Samples: NO COVID!
(Remember this number!!!)
But this time, with a twist. Poornima Wagh, a self-described “lab rat” claimed to have the proof, because she had done necessary lab work, having tested “1,500 samples” yet finding NO EVIDENCE of SARS-CoV-2 in any of them.
On July 8-9th, Poornima did a series of interviews with Regis Tremblay called
"The Scamdemic: Covid 19 - SARS COV2 the Virus that Never Existed" (part 1) and "The Scamdemic: Covid 1" - SARS COV 2 the Virus That Never Was" (part 2).
These videos began to captivate everyone and were widely shared on social media.
The very interesting thing about the timing of this is that it was one week almost exactly to the day prior to the official launch of the “Settling the Virus Debate” statement, aka, the “Virus Challenge”, proposed and principally authored by Dr. Tom Cowan, Dr. Mark Bailey, and Dr Kevin Corbett, with over a dozen other prominent contributors and signatories.
Tracking the Action:
The purpose of the Virus Challenge would be to put an end to the endless (and useless) debates, which don’t really accomplish anything.
The Virus Challenge is REAL SCIENCE, which attempts to “meet the virologists 1/2 way” by essentially assuming the claimed tools and methods of virology are true and valid, and simply doing a properly blinded experiment, with proper controls to demonstrate that these tools and methods can get predictable, and expected results.
Virus Pushers Against Clotshots is such a ridiculous and anti-scientific position, unfortunately led by the biggest gatekeepers of the so-called “Medical Freedom” or “Anti-Vax” movements: Del Bigtree, Robert F. Kennedy Jr, and Reiner Fuellmich.
Perhaps because of the Virus Challenge, several prominent people from the Virus Pushers camp have abandoned their prior views, including Dr. Dolores Cahill and Dr. Michael Yeadon, and are now firmly in #TeamNoVirus.
Nagging Questions
From the beginning, there were many nagging questions about the internal consistency of Poornima’s story, her academic timeline, the lack of any proof of her 2x PhD dissertations, or any published work whatsoever. There was no documentation about the alleged FBI raid of her lab, and MANY other strange anomalies in her story.
If Poornima’s claims were true, it would eliminate the necessity of the “Virus Challenge”. So again, the fact that she made a big splash just one week prior to the release was quite odd.
(Dr. Cowan and others did not keep the development of this proposal a secret. It was in the works since mid June, and Dr Cowan and perhaps other signatories had mentioned that it was coming, although I don’t know if a specific date was mentioned)
The number of these nagging, unanswered questions about Poornima only grew with time, and with each new appearance she made.
QUESTION: Why is this newcomer suddenly getting all the attention, while people who’ve been working researching, and producing high quality education materials on this subject for 2.5 years (e.g., Dr Andrew Kaufman, Dr Tom Cowan, Drs Mark and Sam Bailey, Dr Kevin Corbett, Dr Stefan Lanka, Dr Amandha Vollmer, Christine Massey, Jon Rapporport, Mike Stone, Eric Coppolino and others) were further being marginalized?
A person like this, representing this group, but having no real connection to any of the people in it, has the potential to do incredible damage, should she be exposed as a fraud, or making major errors on a platform with high visibility.
A mostly complete list of Poornima’s appearances on various programs:
These shows have been widely clipped, and re-uploaded to other platforms.
2022-03-06: Regis Tremblay & Friends
"Regis Tremblay - Russia-Ukraine Conflict" (1:58:16)
2022-04-01: Regis Tremblay
"Indian Russian Relations - Gandhi to Modi - Khazarian M" (49:20)
2022-06-20: Regis Tremblay
"The Kharzarian Banking Cartel - Rothschilds, Royal Families - Secret Societies" (58:08)
2022-07-08: Regis Tremblay
"The Scamdemic: Covid 19 - SARS COV2 the Virus that Never Existed" (1:19:11)
2022-07-09: Regis Tremblay
"The Scamdemic: Covid 1" - SARS COV 2 the Virus That Never Was" (49:20)
2022-08-17: Dr Lee Merritt:
"Dr. Lee Merritt and Poornima Wagh PhD" (1:57:42)
2022-08-25: Regis Tremblay
"The Jab - It's Poison And Will Kill You" (1:27:08)
2022-08-28: GPMC: Dr Wai-Ching Lee, w/Poornima Wagh, Dr Reiner Fuellmich
"COVID-19: Alternative Realities" (2:51:39)
This is Not Personal
I am NOT accusing Poornima Wagh of any ulterior motives.
She might be a good, well-intentioned person at heart, perhaps just overwhelmed by all the attention she is getting, and just making some mistakes along the way. This is possible.
I have no idea what her motives are, or the depth of her knowledge, or skills.
She is clearly quite intelligent.
This is solely about one thing: The fact that in just a few months, she —this newcomer with an invisible history prior to 3/2022— has capitivated the public attention on a world stage, and she is representing the position of #TeamNoVirus.
The fact remains that she *is* getting essential details wrong. Then, she gets defensive and hostile when asked simple journalistic questions about the gaps in her history, CV, or these errors.
She was given ample time to correct the record, but has been silent and did not respond.
Why this is important:
The Charismatic Newcomer
In my decades of activism, I have seen a dynamic happen many times:
Organic, grassroots activist groups, which have been effective at being catalysts for social change, often become infiltrated, co-opted, disabled, and/or subverted (with the help of Public Relations Operatives and the Mainstream Media) to suit an industrial agenda.
The strange case of Patrick Gunnels,
a\k\a “Derek Knauss”,
a\k\a, “Robert Oswald”
In late 2020, a video was released on social media simultaneously by multiple actors, seemingly unrelated to each other, variously identifying the speaker as either Dr. Derek Knauss, Dr Robert Oswald, or Dr. Patrick Gunnels.
The man is speaking into the camera, seemingly reading a script, where he claims to have “Two Phds, one in virology, and one in immunology, and is a lab clinician”
(WHAT? Where have we heard this before?? 🤔)
… AND, that he had tested 1,500 patient samples, and found NO COVID.
This is the EXACT SAME STORY as Poornima Wagh!!
The Fact Checkers and Official Debunkers had a FIELD DAY with this one, knocking down Gunnels / Knauss / Oswald like a STRAW MAN … almost as if by design.
Steve Kirsch, the $200M Man’s obsession w/Debates, Wagers, Sam Bailey & Christine Massey
Steve Kirsch is a tech millionaire, who had at one time an estimated net worth of $200M.
I won’t doxx him by revealing his address, the city, or even the state. But I found this in about 15min of searching. Quick stats:
Home is worth $13M
9,635 sq ft.
5 Bedrooms, 7 baths
1.3 acre lot, with swimming pool and private tennis court
Steve has been bloviating since January 2022, along with his colleagues Dr Richard Fleming, and Dr. Kevin McCairn, bugging Christine Massey and others to “Debate” him and his team.
There were some initial discussions, even to the point where Dr. Andrew Kaufman was working on the format, rules, and a proposed debate question.
Then suddenly, Kirsch started acting very strangely, and started accusing Christine Massey of a bunch of untrue things.
Christine kept meticulous records of all these email exchanges, and published them on her website here:
I understand that Christine and Andy quickly broke off negotiations.
Kevin McCairn Verbally Abuses Dr. Mark Bailey for 61 minutes
Then on May 21, one of Kirsch’s colleagues, Dr. Kevin McCairn was invited to “debate” Dr. Mark Bailey, by blogger Tim Truth. This was a COMPLETE DISASTER, as McCairn basically abused Dr. Bailey for an hour, subjecting him to a string of ad hominem attacks, and off topic rants, both of which were forbidden by the agreed upon rules.
Warning: this is quite painful to endure. Dr. Bailey deserves major kudos for remaining calm and collected throughout despite the extremely bizarre way this went down.
BE SURE TO CHECK THE COMMENTS! They are a LAUGH RIOT! All of the commenters universally thinks McCairn is a crackpot. Keep in mind this was McCairn’s home turf, as he had appeared on Tim Truth’s show several times in the past.
My understanding is that at around this point, the major players in #TeamNoVirus decided
a) not to engage with Kirsch, Fleming, or McCairn ever again, and
b) to essentially abandon the debate format altogether.
(NB: I am not speaking for anyone other than myself. This is my understanding and interpretation based on published accounts, email threads which I was CC’d on, and private conversations I've had with some of the players.)
Steve Kirsch seems obsessed with picking on the ladies of our team, especially Dr Sam Bailey, and Christine Massey, writing a rapid-fire series of articles about each of them:
Articles mentioning Sam Bailey:
Articles mentioning Christine Massey:
Every time Kirsch would attack Christine or Sam, or otherwise mention the “No Virus” issue, he would get HEAVILY RATIOED: many comments but few likes, which was opposite of the trend seen in other articles on his website:
This graph is of a unitless metric I invented:
Ratio = SQRT ((#Comments * 2) / (#Likes))
(the square root is just for scaling, so ignore the units)
So this is a measure of his posts which are both
a) heavily commented on, and
b) have a high Comment:Like ratio.
The two points that really stand out are both where
he has taken on the "No Virus" issue.
Strangely, 31% of Kirsch’s own audience DO NOT BELIEVE that SARS-COV-2 exists!!
Steve Kirsch’s “Christine Massey Problem”
Steve Kirsch’s Substack ravings and emails to Christine Massey became even more bizarre and dark.
In one post, he refers to his “Christine Massey Problem” and threatens to “Punish her” so that she never misleads her dumb followers again.
See for yourself!
HOW is this not criminal harassment, or menacing, or a tangible threat of violence?
Then on July 17th, Kevin McCairn sent a truly bizarre and vulgar message to Christine Massey, which is frankly quite shocking:
Since no one from #TeamNoVirus would debate Kirsch, and started ignoring his emails, he began soliciting for some patsy to stand in for Massey, et. al.
Someone stepped up and volunteered….
The return of Patrick Gunnels!
So imagine my shock to see GOOD OLE’ Patrick Gunnels / Derek Knauss / Robert Oswald, or whatever TF his real name is, RE-EMERGE around July 23, representing #TeamNoVirus in a staged “Debate” with Steve Kirsch, controlled by Kirsch.
Surprisingly, Gunnels did fairly well. He got a few things wrong, but many things right.
Why would some random internet troll with admittedly NO special experience, training, knowledge, or qualifications apart from having “watched some Tom Cowan videos”, who was involved (perhaps inadvertently) in one of the biggest COVID Hoaxes on social media since this all began, feel qualified to represent Kaufman, Cowan, Bailey(s), Lanka, Massey, etc. etc.?
So let’s use ME as an example, a veritable internet nobody. I know these arguments inside and out. I’ve spent probably 2,000 hours researching all of this. I could take on Kirsch easily.
BUT WHY WOULD I? Especially considering that NO ONE from the Core Team will go anywhere near Kirsch?
I can see no possible benefit in my “debating” Kirsch. But there is a MASSIVE possible risk.
Let’s say I goof up some major fact or detail, JUST LIKE GUNNELS DID with bacteriophages.
Kirsch would almost certainly use me as a STRAW MAN to attack the entire #TeamNoVirus, the people and also their position on the issue.
“They’re all a bunch of crackpots, like this Huston clown!”
Again NOTICE THE PROXIMITY of this to the date of the release of the Virus Challenge (July 15):
Jul 23:
July 25:
July 26:
Aug 1:
Aug 22:
Is Poornima Wagh just another incarnation of Patrick Gunnels, propped up like a Straw Man, only to be knocked down by the Fact Checkers?
In closing
I feel badly for Poornima.
I have compassion for her.
I wish her happiness, good health, and good fortune.
But the simple fact is: Her story DOES NOT check out.
She was given ample chances to correct the record.
Someone like her, who has a nearly invisible history prior to 3/2022, who suddenly comes along with a fantastic story, and puported credentials and a story which seem almost too good to be true, who suddenly is getting pushed by the Social Media algorithms at the expense of the others of #TeamNoVirus who have been doing the heavy lifting for the last 2.5 years, … can do incredible damage.
This is not being about snobbish, or exclusive.
I am very sorry.
I wanted to believe in her.
Here is another link to Eric’s article:
Another excellent article, by Demi Pietchell:
I knew she was bullshit when she said a few things:
-graphene proven in the shots. Ok then, why is there no data? We can't prove that pharma lied about whats in the jabs just from microscope images interpreted as graphene!
-people are transmitting bluetooth. Really? Nonsense. First of all, you need to test the people without their phones and bt devices. I haven't seen that happen yet.
Second, technically it is not possible. Bluetooth takes a lot more energy than even a pacemaker. And a pacemaker has a battery. Those tiny chips people get in sweden etc are RFID - PASSIVE devices that don't do shit until probed (just like your touchless credit cards)
I'm so sick of these bullshitters, even if they think they're telling the truth, they're falling for other bullshit and not scientific at all.
Thanks very much for this outstanding article, Bill, it is a perfect complement to Eric's piece, it reveals the wider aspects of this entire affair, its ties to lots of stuff happening in the "freedom" movement. Too many people in it, Like Regis Tremblay and Dr Lee Merritt, grasp on to stuff which looks good without doing the verification because the stuff is saying *what they want to hear and see*. This is a perfect way to become self-referenced. Again, THANK YOU!