I knew she was bullshit when she said a few things:

-graphene proven in the shots. Ok then, why is there no data? We can't prove that pharma lied about whats in the jabs just from microscope images interpreted as graphene!

-people are transmitting bluetooth. Really? Nonsense. First of all, you need to test the people without their phones and bt devices. I haven't seen that happen yet.

Second, technically it is not possible. Bluetooth takes a lot more energy than even a pacemaker. And a pacemaker has a battery. Those tiny chips people get in sweden etc are RFID - PASSIVE devices that don't do shit until probed (just like your touchless credit cards)

I'm so sick of these bullshitters, even if they think they're telling the truth, they're falling for other bullshit and not scientific at all.

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I've seen lots more evidence of graphene oxide in the vaxes than what you describe. I know of three separate sources that all got the same results, with two of the groups using multiple technologies including spectroscopic analysis.

And it would be totally consistent with what's been in vaxes for a long time. Toxic metals have been the favorite ingredients for the past century or more. Nano-particulate metals began showing up in vaxes at least a decade ago. Graphene oxide is a logical next step, as it's only become commercially available in significant volume the past few years.

I agree with you about the bluetooth. I don't know where the mac addresses they're picking up are coming from, and neither do those doing the experiments. What I do know is that the nano-scale, injectable, self-assembling bluetooth transceiver is science fiction, and will still be science fiction 50 years from now. The pervasive belief that the metal & graphene particles in the vax are intelligently assembling into nano computer chips and circuit boards is scary, because it's revealing how grossly out-of-touch most people are from the technology that's taking over our lives. Most people today are absolutely clueless about how anything technological works, and that's a recipe for epic loss of liberty and living standard.

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David, as I just told someone else, I really don't care about these toxic fake vaccines.

30,000 people are dead, just in the US! Very likely 100x more (Harvard Pilgrim study).

What more do you need to know?

Whether it's self-assembling injectable nanorobots, or graphene oxide razorblades, or just a simple chemical toxin. Those details are unimportant to me.

The fake vaccines are killing & maiming at unprecedented rates.

Anyway, There are 10M people fighting the various Countermeasures.

Good on em!

I've got another mission.

I'm working on Root causes.

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Well, I think understanding why the toxic fake vaccines are killing so many people is kinda important to understanding how to possibly save some people who fell for the con, and to educate those who are open. I see almost no one actually working on that, as unbelievable as that is. How is it that we're almost two years into this mass poisoning, and we still have no definitive answer as to what's in the damn fake vaccines? Wouldn't it help blow the lid off of the con if people knew the ingredients, and thus knew the mRNA story was a con and they're just being poisoned? I think so.

However, the fake vaccine ingredients is not my mission either, and I too am focused on root causes. Seems to me that toxic fake virologists aren't a 'root cause' either. Human beliefs about the causes of disease haven't changed significantly in thousands of years, so what's the root cause that will impact that?

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Wrong, search hydrogel MIT,

They claim they can do exactly what you claim they cannot.

Funny how you make these big claims yet the scientists themselved say the exact opposite

so who do I believe?

Lol nahh, this woman was 99% correct and you cant find any fault. reaching much?

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If scientists claim something, then the burden of proof is on them.

Also science is about proving what causes a natural phenomenon. Not about tinkering with things through trial and error.

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Come on bro, do you really believe these scientists that have lied about viruses causing diseases?

You're saying I'm making big claims... They make big claims.

Why the heck are you pointing at me and not seeing it's their big claims that I'm calling bullshit on.

Oh because you believe it.

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agreed, complete bullshit. Sometimes I think there is no hope for the masses to really get this. 'Truthers' are often anything but.

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If you don't believe the Bluetooth story you could either check it out for yourself with the help of a Bluetooth Scanner App or watch #bluetruth 🙏

This argument ist weak.

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Bluetooth scanner? Come on.

I'm a technologist. I started working in integrated circuit design back in 1984. I've worked for Texas Instruments, Motorola, & AMD.

I can tell you with absolute certainty there is no such thing as an injectable nanoscale computer, with IO, battery, memory, sensors, and a wireless transmitter.

There are no such thing as self-assembling nano robots.

That's all Buck Rogers sci-fi man.

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I too am a life-long technologist & technician, including a decade of teaching & course development in the field of electrical technology at a college advanced technology center. And I can tell you with absolute certainty that there's no such thing as an injectable, nano-scale computer. Not even close. As I said in another comment, it's scary that so many people believe the vax ingredients are self-assembling into computer chips, to the point of passionately defending the belief. We're in trouble as a civilization when people are that clueless about the present critical technology, and therefore so easily led into fear & delusion.

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Then why is Elon, Gated, WEF, and many others invested in that technology.

I am an EE and I can say for a fact this tech does exist and its being tested.

Yawn such weak sheeepisj arguments.

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>I am an EE and I can say for a fact this tech does exist

Ok, proof or evidence? Links?

The smallest fully functioning computer that I know about is about the size of a thumbnail, and maybe 5mm thick. This does not include a battery: FAR too big to be injectable.

Also, people are suggesting that ALL injections have these nanoscale computers, which is ridiculous. Even if this did exist, it would be exotic EXTREME tech, and be extremely costly, and far too costly to do at scale.

The stuff musk/gates are involved in relate to biometrics, and brain implants/sensor implants. But I've never heard anyone suggest this tech would be stealth/injectable.

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You can call yourself whatever you want but the burden of proof is still on you.

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wrong, MIT claims they do.

Once again, dont make big claims when you cant bacl them

you gonna claim MIT are all liars now?

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Oh and MIT are liars.... They pushed the jabs like every other crooked corporate funded academic institution.

They still think vaccines in general are good.

They still believe that a virus caused polio... Which is fucking bullshit http://www.williamengdahl.com/englishNEO12July2022.php

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Claims is the thing.

Claim whatever.

You believe the claims?

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Unsubstantiated claims are not undeniable evidence.

Are you claiming that MIT presented undeniable evidence of their claims?

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PS: Neither science nor journalism has anything to do with belief.

They're about facts and reason.

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Wrong, ever heard of SPR?

They have been designing nanoscale medical injectbale deliveries for some time now. They have labs on a chip, they can certainly inject microscopic chips.

You have no clue what you are talking about.

Why are so many billionaires investing in said technology?

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That's Sci-fi, dude.

Believe whatever you'd like!

I actually don't care about these toxic fake vaccines. 30,000 people are dead, just in the US! Very likely 100x more (Harvard Pilgrim study).

What more do you need to know?

Whether is self-assembling nanoscale robots, or graphene oxide razorblades, or just a simple chemical toxin. Those details are unimportant to me.

There are 10M people fighting the various Countermeasures.

Good on em!

I've got another mission.

Working on Root causes.

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So if this tech exists, why aren't we hearing about how great it is?

mRNA fails, like CRISPR and we can't stop hearing about how great it is.

Where can I see how IF these chips can be injected, how the heck are they powered?

Magic, like viruses?

Billionaires invest because they want this shit to work and they are absolute morons. Listen to elon musk about Mars. Listen to him about how electric cars will save the world. He's freaking clueless.

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Thanks very much for this outstanding article, Bill, it is a perfect complement to Eric's piece, it reveals the wider aspects of this entire affair, its ties to lots of stuff happening in the "freedom" movement. Too many people in it, Like Regis Tremblay and Dr Lee Merritt, grasp on to stuff which looks good without doing the verification because the stuff is saying *what they want to hear and see*. This is a perfect way to become self-referenced. Again, THANK YOU!

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We're living in an age of mass digital deception. Especially during the COVID-1984 era. It's a global Information War. Most of us are exhausted by the relentless and voluminous information trawling, the endless lies and distortions.

Personally, I'm persistently at the end of my tether grappling with the Dystopian False Narrative, dredging the abyss of deception. Both my energy levels and patience are running very low. The whole thing saps our souls of light. It's an agonising sanity endurance test.

Only yesterday I watched Dr. Lee Merritt's video conversation with Poornima Wagh and found it gripping, jaw-dropping even, especially since I trust Dr. Merritt, which gave it added credibility. Then today I discover this string of excellent interlinked articles questioning Poornima Wagh's true academic status and many other related claims. My heart sinks. Again. Greatly disappointing - yet not at all surprising. There is a sad and familiar pattern to these things.

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I know what you mean, Nigel.

I've been really sick all day today.

I feel like crying, and the need to vomit all at the same time.

I don't know why I'm so profoundly affected by this.

I feel really, really sick, and sad.

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Yes, it has profoundly affected me today. It has been deeply deflating. I believe it's because our hopes and expectations were raised too high - then crushed. It was too good to be true. Perhaps it was another underlying intended consequence in this psychological war of spiritual attrition. To crush radiant sovereign hope.

It's also extremely emotionally draining.

I nearly didn't comment or click any likes on this topic today because it felt too mentally challenging to be drawn into this murky mire. An ethical dilemma. If she turns out to be a hidden angelic saviour of the 'Truth Movement' I will feel like a rogue, a genuine rotter.

However, in treacherous totalitarian times we must fearlessly question everything in order to glean the raw Truth. No apologies for that whatsoever. Thanks for your excellent article. Great contribution.

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It's because when those who are not open to even exploring other views grasp on to this they use it to negate any real information and dismiss anything other than the official narritive as dangerous and fool hardy.

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great article Bill, but why do you feel badly for her? The picture you have painted here (a very compelling one) suggests there is some next-level nefarious stuff going on here, and she is very possibly a deliberate agent provocateur. Do you agree? I cast my mind back to Event 201 and the infodemic they knew would be inevitable. Flooding the airwaves with their own misinformation agents and then pointing out the problem of misinformation seems like a pretty straight forward plan. False flag stuff like has been seen time and time again.

Im not sure how you square her story with any other explanation than this except maybe that she is crazy, and she seems pretty calculated to me.

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I really try to give everyone the benefit of doubt. I try to see the best in people.

Poornima's story is so excellent, if legit. She would be a great benefit to our team, and we all would welcome her work open arms.

I don't like to make public statements about people which might be construed as overtly critical, ESPECIALLY in situations like this where the person is, ostensibly, our side.

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Outstanding work.

I have one quibble. In the following

"Organic, grassroots activist groups, which have been effective at being catalysts for social change, with the help of Public Relations Operatives and the Mainstream Media, become infiltrated, co-opted, disabled, and/or subverted to suit an industrial agenda."

the reader, at least this reader, gets the impression that activist groups have been effective thanks to the PR operatives and MSM! I imagine that you intended the opposite meaning: that the infiltration is thanks to the PR operatives.

A fix is to place "become" before "with the help...Media":

"Organic, grassroots activist groups, which have been effective at being catalysts for social change become, with the help of Public Relations Operatives and the Mainstream Media, infiltrated, co-opted, disabled, and/or subverted to suit an industrial agenda."

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That's an excellent point. Thanks Sanjoy. I'll clarify with an edit. ❤️🙏🙇

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What i found most compelling, or bizarre i guess.... is that she literally came out of NOWHERE, with claims of research from January 2020? Where the hell you been Miss Wagh?? Assuming she doesn't live under a rock, she would have been aware of the "NoVirus" movement - the prominent names speaking out publicly, and even the nobodies (like me.... ) because there are PLENTY of us providing commentary all over social media in hopes of planting seeds in those who haven't done the research yet.

So just perusing social media, she would have seen that there are thousands (maybe millions) of us out there. WHY WAIT? WHY WOULD YOU WAIT 2 1/2 years to talk about this? Especially - if true - would be a BOMBSHELL for "our side". IF TRUE, she would know about the skepticism even within the so-called "truth community" - although seemingly, moreso divided lately.... many of us LIVE by the concept of "Question EVERYTHING" (hah, see what I did there? 😉 hence, my username). Therefore, based on everything I've stated thus far, and if she was met with opposition as she claims.... WHERE ARE YOUR RECEIPTS POORNIMA? The fact that Dr Merritt interviewed this lady for 2 hours and there's NO RECEIPTS (I assume there wasnt any during that interview..... to be honest, I was turned off by her whole story after the Regis interview, because, again, NO FUCKING RECEIPTS! So I was not interested in watching this woman a second time)

If she was shunned, turned away, met with opposition, rejected, etc etc (just like we have all been), she should be MORE THAN WILLING to show SOMETHING at this point. If I were her, I'd be desperate for someone to believe me at this point - IF her story is true. And if her excuse is that she doesn't want to give any receipts until she gets published, well..... theres a Looooooooooong line ahead of her that doesn't seem to be moving forward. She could still have gone about this in a way where she can "keep" some of it "until published", while still providing some type of proof. But, she didn't.

Brooke Jackson had a wild story. It corroborated what we all basically already knew & assumed was going on. But... She had A SHITLOAD of receipts. Thats what made it all the more compelling. She was desperate for someone to believe her BECAUSE of all the ridicule & rejection leading up to her story being released.

Jus sayin. POORNIMA has ZERO credibility without receipts. As far as I'm concerned, she stinks of controlled opposition, to discredit the "NoVirus" movement. Because of all the obvious traction we have been getting.

As someone who has also put in hundreds, if not thousands, of hours of research on this 1 topic alone, it is BEYOND frustrating. But it will not stop us 💪 i am sick of the lies and manipulation of our world. I am sick of self-appointed "controllers". I am sick of watching humanity essentially consent to be controlled & enslaved by utter nonsense, from people & organizations who are incompetent. And millions more are sick of it too. Don't let the likes of Poornima Wagh discourage you. Keep pushing forward.

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Excellent gathering of evidence! I also fell for this after listening to the dr Merritt interview. I still think there is a great deal of truth to what this woman has to say, but it is looking like she is just a tool to negate the No virus theory. If they are rolling out this technique then you know that you are over the target big time!

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Absolutely agree! That's "rolling out big guns" as a more sophisticated

if, somewhat convoluted way of discrediting their fundamental enemy

(virus goes, the whole profitable vxxine industry goes). And still there

might me be some "residual damage" from the attention to her initial

interviews. That looked so credible and to some people even contemplating "no virus" was an eye opener and keep them interested

in the whole premise.

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I'm not so sure that she's on someone's payroll to discredit intentionally. Here's something she was on about 10 years ago, speaking at some type of religious event on intelligent design: https://www.witts.ws/130/

I think she may have some mental health issues, versus someone like Dr. Malone, if you read the above post by Omar Jordan might very well be an actual disinformation agent.

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Same think happened in 9/11 troofer community, Now, think. Isn’t perhaps this “there are no viruses” shit another smokescreen intended to get people involved in an inane discussion about an issue that can’t be proved this way or that way (like, does God exist or not)? So that people keep yapping about fucking viruses while they’re getting shafted in a huge way? create a constant state of hysteria and discombobulation to accomplish their agenda of global neo-feudalism.

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>Isn’t perhaps this “there are no viruses” shit another smokescreen intended to get people involved in an inane discussion about an issue that can’t be proved this way or that way

1: it's not a smoke screen. It's the root cause of this whole mess.

2: It's not "an inane discussion", it's the root cause of this whole mess.

3: The burden of proof is not on us, but on the people making the claim that viruses exist.

Please look at the graphic at the top of my page, "Virus Pushers Against ClotShots".

First of all, being a "Virus Pushers Against ClotShots" is a completely idiotic position to take. Because if there is no virus, then this is the kill shot for the entire covid narrative! Why would someone like Bigtree, Kennedy, Fuellmich, or Kirsch, who all claim to be fighting vaccines, not consider the Ultimate Kill Shot!? 🤔🤷‍♂️

I am a retired systems engineer. For 35 years, i solved problems in very large complex computing systems.

If I keep making the same expensive repair over and over again, I'm likely to catch the attention of my boss come review time, or worse! It might cost me my job.

If we want to solve the problem, then we have to address the root causes!

Anything else is just fighting fires. Meanwhile the demon is still throwing the fireballs at us nonstop just like in this picture:


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This is great - thank you for posting this!

I was looking through similar information for the past few days as well and what I found matches a lot of what you found.

I came at the information from another angle and so I found several other tangential items that you might be interested in.

Here's the link - I linked to your story and Eric Coppolino's story within.


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Wow, really excellent, Demi! Thanks for the mention. I will link to this & share!

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Thanks, Bill! Added in the commencement as well. Thanks again!

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Great article, Demi. What you found further convinces me that she's a paid infiltrator, to distract and eventually be the center of a public humiliation to discredit the whole no-virus community. I've been watching this movement from nothing, and although it still seems like we're few, the growth has been beyond what I thought was possible even a year ago. And therefore it's unavoidable that Wagh is only the beginning, and the infiltration will come aggressively as we gain momentum.

Possibly one favor Wagh did is inadvertently making it obvious that Fuellmich is a fraud. I can't fathom why anyone still thinks he's legitimately investigating anything. If that whole thing was legitimate, from the start the imperative would be get in front of a federal judge by filing something, so that you can then get subpoena power and start collecting real evidence. He's done nothing except put on a public show for two years. No doubt in my mind someone's paying him for controlled opposition, to lead people to think someone's doing something to bring justice.

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Yes, I've come to the conclusion that he's a fraud too. When he came on the scene , he mentioned his legal background and credentials (successfully sued a number of big corporations), and I thought all of the interview he was doing were in the service of building a case. But then it kept going and going, interview after interview, but nothing was being done in terms of a lawsuit. And then he totally flipped and said we have to try this in the court of public opinion. (?!?!?!). Then the lawyer woman he was working with came forward to say he stole millions of dollars from their funds.

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Oh, I forgot to add that when I stumbled onto the work of Katherine Watt (at the recommendation of Dr. Mike Yeadon), I was shocked to find that as a paralegal, she did FAR MORE work on legal research into the changes in public health laws and regulations that allowed this genocidal fraud to go on and was working on providing info for building cases. So without any fanfare, this woman, as a paralegal, was doing for more to move things forward on the legal front, than Reiner ever did. All he did was interview to nowhere.

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I have a lot of issues w/Katherine Watt. I'm quoted here (and agree with what the others have said):


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Thank you. I'd like to share my follow up to shed a bit more light on this positioning aspect and the seemingly intended goal of the event trajectory, as well as a follow up from Moon Maiden Musings which goes further into the second topic you're discussing here. She compiled information about the latter and brilliantly took that a step further so we would be able to see plainly what may be happening there.



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This was well written and compassionate. She may want to be heard and help and be part of a community and thought no one would care what she thought if she went about it honestly. Nevertheless, if she is lying, and I suspect she is, can damage the credibility of others. That shows a lack of concern on her part which is more concerning to me.

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Great recap. At this point in time, I still think she has helped the NoVirus awakening more than harmed it. Time for me to read Eric's article.

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Don't feel bad for her, she's an AGENT OF DECEPTION, hired to discredit all of us!

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She might have a mental health condition and not be aware of how her lies can damage people. She may even believe her own lies, if she turns out to be lying.

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How can you know for sure, Omar?

I really try to remain factual and avoid name calling, and not allow my suspicions to color my writing.

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Because it's obvious. She was employed to be debunked so that everyone would throw out the baby with the bathwater and discredit all of us. Just have a look at Steve Kirsch (another agent of deception, most likely) and his latest predictable blog post.

These people are employed by intelligence agencies.

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So here’s a question for everyone, who else has anyone heard about being a shill, not real in they portray themselves? I’ve heard to take Dr Robert Malone with caution.

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James, I try to avoid judgemental terms like "liar", "shill", or "controlled opposition".

The reason is, to call someone a name like this, ONE MUST HAVE PROOF of knowing what the person knows, and what their motivations are.

A person's inner knowledge, intentions, motivations etc are normally hidden from view. We cannot guess at these things if we do not know for sure.

So the only thing I can possible do is judge someone BASED ON THEIR ACTIONS alone.

This is why I used the term "Virus Pushers Against Clotshots". This is a purely DESCRIPTIVE term based on actions which are visible to anyone who looks.

I have no idea WHY people are pushing the imaginary virus, only that they do.

This is what I speak to, because this is an absolutely ridiculous and anti-science position.

This is NOT a winning strategy.

Here's the list that I have evaluated:


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Yours is very balance and factual writing. The only way to conduct

the issue, not by throwing mud at each other.

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I think shill is perfectly viable for people Like AlexJones or Steve Krish. Joe Rogan, Tim Pool, etc.

What else would you call them then? Seriously,

i think you need to call a shill a shill when they have oroven bey their actions 100 times over like alex jones

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Yeah, I'd agree with Kirsch, Malone, McCullough, Bigtree, RFK Jr, Reiner Fuellmich, Joe Rogan, Jimmy Dore, Pierre Kory, and most of the other Virus Pushers Against Clotshots.

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I agree. I apologize for using shill. Definitely could have worded it differently.

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I think it's easy to appreciate why most doctors and scientists will not question virology. It's one thing for there to be dissenting doctors against various medical mandates and ethics but quite another thing for them to become maverick virus dissenters. Virology has been deeply embedded into the psyche of modern medicine (and society) over decades. To dare to question the 'science' of virology is to risk becoming a complete cosmic outsider. We've all seen what COVID-1984 totalitarianism has done to discourage and discredit dissent.

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Bill, the problem is - we can never FULLY prove that these folks work for intelligence. And it's fine to ascribe innocence to them if you like. It's impossible to prove one way or another.

And yes perhaps some of them are completely oblivious to the fact that they are pawns on a larger chessboard, one that they don't understand, and one where they are doing the bidding of the people they pretend to be fighting against, blinded by their own egos and rampant narcissism (like Steve Kirsch).

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter if they're willful participants (disinfo agents) or not. They are all CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, even if they don't realize it!

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Malone was clearly full of crap at the start of his rise. He was on the last american vagabond and said quite a few things that didn't make sense:

-He took the jab to counter his long covid

Umm, he's a vaccinologist who would know that vaccinating after infection is a no-no (even shill-der-Bossche knows this)

-He said that the jabs would be good for seniors and those with immune conditions.


-He then said it should be safe in the third trimester of pregnancy.

WTF? Making more shit up..... it hasnt been tested on pregnancy.

Then later he was talking with Mattias Desmet, who disagreed with the term "mass formation psychosis" because the term IS MASS FORMATION period. Malone still went on rogan etc and said psychosis with the term, which was later used by fact checkers to say that term is not an established one.

Malone could very well have joined the anti convid jab movement just to save his ass... we know he had a part to do with the brazil encephaly which was blamed on zika.. (always blame a virus for what chemical and pharma does).

Maybe he sees a future nuremburg type trial and is trying to pretend like he just woke up.

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That’s incredible that he said that about pregnant women. Some organization today may have been Pfizer just released a report saying 80% of woman who took the jab and were pregnant had miscarriages. It had been tested then, but it sure has now, and with terrible results.

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My bad it was 87% of all pregnant women who got the jab had miscarriages, per a newly released Pfizer report. https://rumble.com/v1hk6bs-the-trump-vaccine.html

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Malone openly stated in a tweet a year ago that his "alternative" plan for "managing the pandemic" was "Surveillance, testing, early treatment" (using "repurposed drugs.")

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This is my first article that I’ve read of yours and it was fantastic. I read Eric’s article last night was taken by surprise to read about the con from the Dr of Virology. I heard her interview on Dr. Lee Merrill page and was thoroughly impressed. And it didn’t surprise me, for I had read an article from the great Frances Leader that opened my eyes to what’s happening.


Also listening to Mike Adams yesterday although he doesn’t talk specifics he does talk about the subject matter.


I’m looking forward to reading more of your articles.

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Sorry friends for the initial typos. I was up at 3 am working on another project, when I saw my friend Eric Coppolino's post get published. So a scrambled to get this completed, but the quality suffered in spots (grammar, spelling, etc). HOPEFULLY, they are now all fixed!!!

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Aug 30, 2022
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Got it. Thanks Michael!

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Interesting article, Bill. I read Eric's article yesterday, and commented on his stack that I have a little suspicion she's a paid infiltrator. Your info about "Gunnels" adds to that theory. Anyone who thinks the deep state is NOT working to infiltrate and disrupt this movement/community is very naive.

Small correction: Lanka is far from part of the Kaufman/Cowan group that's been onto the virology con for 2.5 years. Lanka has been onto the virology con for almost 30 years. I've been following his work for 20. No one living is even close to his experience and expertise on the virology con, and he knows way to much to waste his time with the virus cheerleaders on your list, and the newfound 'experts' like Kirsh. He was fighting those battles 25 years ago in Germany, and has no interest in that anymore. I wish the newbies would seek his wisdom so that the energy could be best channeled to something scientifically productive, but I guess it's a case of 'we don't know what we don't know...'.

I hadn't heard that Cahill is among the newly awakened. That's awesome. I admired her courage and spirit, so not surprising.

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Yes, of course you're right about Lanka. Also Perth Group, Kevin Corbett, Jon Rappoport, and Celia Farber all have been on to this for decades.

It's just a little hard to make a concise comment & still get all those details right

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I was figuring you knew, and yep, can't always cover every detail. Just think it's important for readers to understand who Lanka is, because this is the biggest issue of our time.

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